Calendars -to get involved

1) Events calendar
- click on an event for more details; then click on 'more details' to make the web-links "clickable" and get to the fuller details and links.

2) One to one sessions

3) Volunteering

All events and one-to-one sessions are free during AGoodWeek. (& donations welcome -it feels good to give.)

You can print out the poster and the programme from this page. Please share with others that this is happening.

Below you can see three charts:

1) Events during AGoodWeek (20th-26th June); just turn up.  (And if you want the free lunch after the nutrition for happiness talk; best to email to be on the list for that.)
2) A chart showing one to one sessions eg healings; booking in advance preferred; by email or by a note through the letter box at the front of the Southwater Centre with a phone-number on.
3) Volunteering opportunities -everyone can give something & you feel better if you do. (see Martin Seligmann's research on Happiness)

So that you can add anything you want to offer to the week you can see where there is free room space is on this set of spreadsheets.