Wednesday, 7 September 2011

Deepening connection, understanding & peace. And 'paying it forward'

Good Morning Paula,

19 people are coming to the "Words are Windows or they are Walls" training; also called "The Dialogue Road Map" training, being provided by and now hosted by the "St Leonards Sharing" Consortium, which sprang-up just last week!

The number on Saturday is now more definitely 15. Can you lean towards vegetarian food a bit please. On Saturday I plan to video a piece about how you gave your time in cooking as your way of 'paying it forward'; having been given a place on the course. I want to demonstrate through a number of film clips how trainings can be run smoothly at low cost for participants and with the trainer's input into the local economy bearing much fruit in terms of how people go out with enhanced skills to carry on their community work, or join in with projects of their co-trainees.
Warmest regards,
(The Imperfect Idealist)

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