Sunday, 8 May 2011

Electric Palace Cinema, Hastings showing "The Economics of Happiness"

The film is being shown at 4pm on Sunday 8th May:
Both hard hitting and inspiring, ‘The Economics of Happiness’ demonstrates that millions of people across the world are already engaged in building a better world – that small scale initiatives are happening on a large scale. ‘The Economics of Happiness’ features a chorus of voices from six continents calling for systemic economic change. The film shows that countless initiatives are united around a common cause: rebuilding more democratic, human scale, ecological and local economies – the foundation of an ‘economics of happiness’. A film by International Society for Ecology and Culture.

On the same day as the new national charity for well-being, Action for Happiness, was launched, (12th April 2011) so too was Action for Hastings Happiness.
Our first planning meeting is on Thursday 12th May at 8pm (by St Leonards Warrior Square station at The Southwater Area Community Station, which is the pink building just next to Platform 2).
The meeting is in the Mediation Support Ltd office on the ground floor (formerly BridgeBuilder office) and the co-ordinator is Paul Crosland Tel 0780 70 66 202 (
Of all the ideas on Mediation Support Ltd is engaged in promoting more sharing of household items with neighbours using resources such as
From June the Southwater Centre Streetbank is being set up as a community depot to assist the lending and borrowing of items and build connections.

Please bring along your ideas for greater connection, well-being and contributing to others to the meeting on 12th May or email actionforhappiness[at]

If you tweet, please use the Action for Hastings Happiness hash tag - #afhh

G R E A T    D R E AM
T e n  k e y s  t o  h a p p i e r  l i v i n g
Action for Happiness has developed the 10 Keys to Happier Living based on a review of the
latest scientific research relating to happiness.
(Happiness -Lessons from a New Science, 2nd edition -2011- by Richard Layard, available on in Hastings)
Everyone's path to happiness is different, but the research suggests these ten things
consistently tend to have a positive impact on people's overall happiness and well-being.
The first five relate to how we interact with the outside world in our daily activities. The
second five come more from inside us and depend on our attitude to life.
G IVING Do things for others
R ELATING Connect with people
E XERCISING Take care of your body
A PPRECIATING Notice the world around
T RYING OUT Keep learning new things

D IRECTION Have goals to look forward to
R ESILIENCE Find ways to bounce back
E MOTION Take a positive approach
A CCEPTANCE Be comfortable with who you are
M EANING Be part of something bigger

Action for Happiness at the Southwater Centre Streetbank:
First Action for Hastings Happiness Meeting 8pm Thurs 12th May

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