Tuesday, 22 November 2011

Drama queen (Paul Crosland) is on the verge of resigning as co-ordinator

> Dear friends,
> How are you? I'm planning an exhibition (as ever) about the first 6 months of Action for Happiness, locally. Probably for the Coastal Currents Festival in Autumn 2012 .
> And for those who aren't avid Facebook friends of mine, here's the latest status update:
> Processing deeply the feedback the world has given me from the last 5 weeks and the last 5 years; particularly the comment that I appear to be a one-man band rather than inviting people into an orchestra. My answer is now posted on http://additionalinfo.blogspot.com
> Kind regards
> Paul
> Thank you for your time reading the whole email and following up what you were moved to do.

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